

City Hall

The Administrative Services Department provides (1) leadership, support, coordination and oversight for the various City departments; (2) policy recommendations to the Mayor and City Council; and (3) City Council, staff and public with timely and accurate financial and other information pertaining to official City business.

Department Duties and Responsibilities

The Administrative Services Department provides management support to the Mayor, City Council, City departments and citizens. This department maintains the City’s financial records in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as published by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) and state and federal laws. It handles the City’s fixed-asset records, internal financial control system, City insurance and the City’s risk management program. The department receives all money payable to the City and is responsible for the investment of the City’s idle cash.


The Administrative Services Department is comprised of the City Manager's, City Clerk's Office, and a Finance Division.